I am grateful for the wealth of knowledge in books or any published materials. Give me a good book and latte, I am in heaven. I love the smell of a brand new book. And even those in the attic with the musty smell, those which haven't seen the daylights in ages and those covered in cobwebs. Remember the time when there were only hard copies of books, storybooks, comics, newspapers and magazines...well I cherish those times. Everyday since secondary school, it is a must for me to sit down and spend at least an hour just going through my morning papers. Although now you can google or download almost anything and read from the iPad or Tab but for me nothing feels as good as holding a hardcover or a paperback...I love the feel of a real book and hearing the rustle of my morning papers. If I want to reread or look up a particular paragraph I like, I love the feeling of flipping the pages of the printed book just to look for it.
My first two books were given as a present from my much older cousin. I was five. Both were Enid Blyton's, I can't recall which ones, but I love the magical places and stories they hold inside. I was a recluse when I was younger but I was happy because I had my storybooks to keep me company. At night, I would even read under the covers holding a book in one hand and a torch light in the other.
When they announced in March this year that after 244 years, the Encyclopedia Britannica will cease production of its iconic multi-volume book sets, I got misty - eyed. Seriously! (it's deja vu...just like when news of Michael Jackson's death was announced, he was a great entertainer). Although digital copies will be available, I will missed the fun of just randomly selecting a volume from the book shelves for exploration.
Those yellowed pages smell more knowledgeable than an iPad. The black-and-white photographs, drawings and sentences are well worth their total weight. Although my Britannica set was published years ago, I am holding on to them. Someday, Insyallah (God willing) I hope to own a modest but sizable home library. I believe that everyone who loves books has one dream library, pictured in his or her mind and realize just how admirable such rooms can be. My dream home library comes with a really cool secret - door, dark wood bookcases run all the way up to the ceilings at least 12 feet high, a ladder to reach books on the high level, detailed panellings, ornate ceilings, a large fireplace, leather sofas and wing chairs, and antique oriental carpets over wooden floors as well a desk fitted with a laptop computer. Nice.
For a book lover like me, this is a peaceful spot to relax surrounded by my most treasured books and some favourite pieces of art including those I painted. This is where I go to think, write, study or travel to other worlds in a comfortable chair or window seat and some time away from the children.
I remember going to my neighbour's house because she has a whole collection of Enid Blyton's books... I share ur sentiments Noreen..keep on reading :-)